For Project 1 for IT201, this is an application that spawns 3D objects depending on where the user clicks or holds on the screen, displays the mouse's X and Y coordinates wherever the cursor is placed, allows the user to change the shape of the spawned objects using a dropdown menu and prefab objects, and changes the color of the objects through a very wide range of color options using a slider.

Feature 1: Spawn 3D Objects & “Drawing Tool”

Input 1: Mouse Left Click

Process 1: Capture the mouse click position and spawn a 3D object at that location

Output 1: A 3D object appears where the user clicked

Input 2: Mouse Right Hold

Process 2: Capture the mouse click position and spawn a 3D object at that location

Output 2: A circular 3D object appears where the user holds the mouse, resembling a pen/pencil/paintbrush drawing tool, and objects continue to appear consecutively as the mouse is held down

Feature 2: Display Mouse Position

Input: Mouse location

Process: Capture the mouse position

Output: Display X and Y coordinates of the mouse on the screen


Feature 3: Change Object Color

Input: Slider Value

Process: Change the color of the 3D objects based on the slider value when it is moved up or down

Output: Objects change color to six different main colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) according to the slider value


Feature 4: Change Object Shape

Input: Dropdown menu selection

Process: Change the shape of the 3D objects based on the dropdown selection

Output: With four different shape options (capsule, cube, cylinder, sphere), new 3D objects spawn with the selected shape when the left mouse button is clicked

Published 7 days ago